Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 6 questions

Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 6

  1. As the chapter opens, Cole and his father are having a very heated exchange of harsh words. Why were they out of line and what did the Keeper do about it?

  2. Cole begged his mom to say something when she held the feather. What did he want her to say? Did she do it? Why or why not?

  3. Peter's lawyer said that any solution found by this Circle must do two things, what were they?



  4. Why did the guard cuff Cole?

  5. We know Cole has an anger problem. How does his dad deal with his own anger?

  6. Tell about the one time Cole's mom tried to intervene when Cole was being beaten.

  7. What solution does Garvey come up with at the Circle Meeting to satisfy the Driscal's lawyer and allow Cole not to be sentenced yet?

  8. What does Garvey mean when he says "If you go to jail, I won't bet a nickel on your future."

  9. Define: banishment

  10. Describe in one complete paragraph why you believe Cole behaves as he does and has become a violent juvenile offender.