Touching Spirit bear questions Chapters 21 to 24


Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 21

  1. Describe a day in Cole's life on the island.

  2. How did Cole get a log large enough for a totem?

  3. What were his first thoughts about the log?

  4. How did it make him feel when he was thinking about escape?

  5. What did he do about it?

  6. What reason does Edwin give Cole that he isn't seeing the Spirit Bear?

  7. What are totems?

  8. Why can't Cole dance the dance of anger yet?

  9. In this chapter Cole learns not to lie to himself. Write a paragraph about a time when you lied to yourself, and you knew it. Cole chopped his potential canoe up to keep from acting on his lie - what did you do to protect yourself from your lie?




Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 22

  1. Cole works hard on his totem in this chapter. What does he carve first and why does he choose that particular animal?

  2. Why does he carve the wolf next?

  3. What does he learn from the beaver?

  4. What about Edwin's behavior troubles Cole when Edwin drops off supplies?

  5. Why do you think Cole's rage keeps reappearing? What unwelcome emotions do you have that are difficult to overcome? Why?


Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 23

  1. Cole finally discovers the secret to becoming invisible, what is it?

  2. Describe Cole's experience of becoming invisible. Did he get what he wanted from this experience?

  3. How did he celebrate his ability to become invisible?

  4. Which dance was Cole finally able to perform? Describe what happened during his dance.

  5. When Cole cried out "I'm Sorry!" which people do you believe he was apologizing to?

  6. He also came to a final point where he began to cry and cried loudly "I forgive you!" Who did he forgive? Why?

  7. What did Cole learn in this chapter?



Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 24

  1. Cole learned something very critical about anger - what is it?

  2. What do you think he should carve to show that he learned to forgive?

  3. What is it that Cole had to discover before he could heal his wounded heart and broken spirit?

  4. What does Edwin reveal to Cole as the reason for Garvey and him to be helping Cole as much as they are?

  5. Describe how Cole celebrated Christmas.

  6. What word does Edwin bring Cole about Peter in February?

  7. Why does Edwin believe Peter tried to take his own life?

  8. Why is saying he was sorry not enough to help Peter?

  9. What solution does Cole come up with to help Peter?

  10. What would you chose to do to help him if you were in Cole's position?